"I was born to be somebody, and this world will belong to me"

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

The Beautiful Village Girl that Actually a Poor Girl and A Beautiful Dancing Frog That Actually a Prince from Far Far Away That was cursed by an Evil Twin Witches (pt.2)

Caspian: “This morning is so quite. What happened?”
Susan: “Nothing happened. Well, your naughty cat broke my slippers but, except for that, nothing bad happened.”
Caspian: “Oh, sorry about that. I’ll make it up to you later.”

(In the yard)
Caspian: “This is a lovely morning. Look at those 2 birds on that tree.”
Susan: “yeah, they are beautiful. But they feather color is black.”
Caspian: “Yeah, that’s odd. I’ve never seen that kind of bird before.”
(The birds flying and land in front of the Prince and his friend. The birds transformed into the evil twin witches)


The Beautiful Village Girl that Actually a Poor Girl and A Beautiful Dancing Frog That Actually a Prince from Far Far Away That was cursed by an Evil Twin Witches (pt.1)

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, lived a Prince in a castle. He is rich, handsome, kind, and wise person. His people love him sooo much.
In an Ice Castle, lived an Evil Twin Witches that hate the Prince sooo much. They feel jealous to the Prince because his castle is bigger and nicer than theirs. The Prince is also richer than them.
So, the Evil Twin Witches make a plan to occupy Prince’s castle.  The plan is…

(In the ice castle)
ETW1: “I really hate that Prince from Far Far Away castle!”
ETW2: “Make it two of us. I’m starting to lose my patient over him.”
ETW1: “We have to take that castle down immediately!”
ETW2: “But how? I don’t think that’s possible.”
ETW1: “Nothing impossible! Well, except kissing your own butt!”
ETW2: “Yeah, that’s true… Beside, we’re witches! An evil witches!
ETW1: “That’s totally true. We have to make a plan!”
ETW2: “Yeah, let’s read fairytale books to find some idea!”

(Read books)
ETW1: “Look at this one! This is about a prince cursed into a frog!”
ETW2: “Hey, that’s a great idea! Let’s curse that fool charming prince into a frog!”
ETW1: “Yeah! He deserves it!”

ps. ETW : Evil Twin Witches.

My first HTML

<body background="3333184873_bfa9b59af2.JPG">
<title>The Twilight Saga</title>
<table border="1">
<table border>
<tr><td colspan="4"><center><img src="twilightsagahdr2[1].JPG"></center>
<tr bgcolor="black">
<td><a href="http://www.twilight-saga.net/%22%3E%3Ccenter%3EWebsite%3C/center%3E%3C/td>
<td><a href="http://www.google.co.id/search?q=twilight+saga&hl=en&prmd=ivnsub&ei=sKxjTdTfFIq3rAfh_oT-AQ&start=10&sa=N"><center>Pictures and Photos</center></td>
<td><a href="http://twilightthemovie.com/%22%3E%3Ccenter%3EMovies%3C/center%3E%3C/td>
<td><a href="http://www.celebridoodle.com/.a/6a00e5536b2ba988330128764f1927970c-500wi%22%3E%3Ccenter%3ENews%3C/center%3E%3C/td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">BOOKS<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Author: Stephanie Meyer<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="violet">
<td colspan="1"><center><img src="images.JPG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><img src="twilight_saga_companion.JPG"></center>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">ACTOR/ACTRESS<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="BLACK">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Isabella Swan<br></font></center>
<center><img src="isabella%20swan.JPEG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Edward Cullen<br></font></center>
<center><img src="Edward-Cullen.JPG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Alice Cullen<br></font></center>
<center><img src="alice_cullen_1253124711.JPG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Jacob Black<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1296867036409_f.JPEG"></center>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">AND...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">The one I like most is...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="-1">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+1">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+3">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+1">...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+3">...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">TAYLOR LAUTNER!!!<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">As JACOB BLACK<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">see...<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1296746515458_f.JPG"></center>
<td bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">and see...<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1296506578336_f.JPG"></center>
<td bgcolor="transparent"><font style="white">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">well...see this one!<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1293147952334_f.JPG"></center>

<tr bgcolor="violet"><body text="black">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+1">Created By: MEGAH SYIFA RINJANI/ 8G<br></font></center></td>

What all children want their parents to know

12 things that childrens want their parents to know.

  1. Teach me love and care for myself through your own positive example. I'll learn from all of your actions, and grow to have good self-care.
  2. Notice me often, taking joy in my very existence. I'll grow up knowing I'm special, and help others to feel the same.
  3. Listen to me with empathy, have an open and loving heart. I'll know I'm seen and heard, and grow to be a good listener.
  4. Acknowledge me often, and tell me what you appreciate. I'll know that I'm worthy, and learn to acknowledge others.
  5. Laugh and have fun with me often, be affectionate everyday. I'll play and enjoy my life, and bring more joy to others.
  6. Teach me to be disciplined, and correct me with kindness. I'll lead a life of dignity, with the pride of self-respect.
  7. Allow room for me to grow, to make mistakes and have opinions. I'll learn to be independent, and trust in my own judgement.
  8. Stay interested in learning, and following your dreams. I'll pick up your enthusiasm, and be inspired to do the same.
  9. Be honest and authentic, and live your highest values. I'll learn from your experiences, and grow to have integrity.
  10. Teach me to be of service, and honor the differences in others. I'll learn generosity of spirit, and embrace all walks of life.
  11. Focus on what's going right, have faith in troubled times. I'll learn to be optimistic, with gratitude for each new day.
  12. Love me without condition, throughout my ups and downs. I'll know that I am cherished, and bring more love to the world.

Minggu, 25 September 2011

The Glee Project!

love love love this show very much! <3


Danger is in front of you while feeling safe in the back
Both of us which will help you whether you'll find
One of the seven of us going forward into the next room
One more to make him drinkers back into place
Two of our wine is just delicious
Three killers hiding among us waiting for the right
Choose if you do not want here forever sulking
To help determine your options, we gave four instructions
First, however slyly the poison was trying to hide
You will always find the wine on the left
The second, who stood at each other, end his side
But if you want to forward, both abstinence to play games
The third way you see clearly all of his bottles of different sizes
Both dwarf and giant death in
The second fourth of the left and the right
Its the same content even if it looks different initial

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011


11:24 24/04/11
hahaha! is not the past... but it definitely not the future.
is the present. but I don't think this a future either.
Let's find out \m/

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011


Some say the world will end in fire,
some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice

-Robert Frost-

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Seorang yang Berharga

Pada mereka yang menyentuh hidupmu.

Pada mereka yang membuatmu tersenyum ketika kamu sedih.

Pada mereka yang membuatmu dapat melihat sisi baik dari segala hal dalam dirimu ketika kamu jatuh.

Pada mereka yang persahabatannya kamu hargai.

Pada mereka yang pernah menjadi teman seperjuanganmu.


Aku mau bilang
Terima Kasih
karena kalian sudah hadir di kehidupanku & menjadi teman, kakak, adik, saudara, sahabat, dan seorang yang sangat berharga untukku.

#source via sms with editing

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Putih Biru

Putih biru
punya cerita tentang cinta, tentang tawa, tentang segalanya.
Putih biru
bukan judul lagu, tapi saksi bisu anak remaja yang baru kenal dunia.
Putih biru
lambang segala rasa bersama, selama 3 tahun yang berkesan.
Putih biru
banyak memberi kita bekal menjalani hidup menujumasa depan.

Oleh sebab itu nikmati masa SMPmu dengan
-30% belajar
-30% berdoa
-20% main
-10% tertawa bareng
-10% pacaran

Kapan lagi kita bisa kayak gini?
Putih biru
tidak akan abadi.

Berterima kasihlah pada temanmu, tanpa mereka masa
Putih biru
takkan berkesan.

Send to all our many friends :)

#Source: via sms

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


Untouchable burning brighter than the sun.
And when you close I feel like coming undone.

In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream.
Is like a million little stars, spelling out your name.

C'mon c'mon, say that we'll be together.
C'mon c'mon.

In the middle of the night waking from this dream.
I want to feel you by my side, standing next to me.

C'mon c'mon, say that we'll be together.
C'mon c'mon, little taste of heaven.

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Channel 15

22:10 - 23:35   Earthsea Pt. 2

23:35 - 01:05   All I Want For Christmas

01:05 - 02:35   Jett Jackson: The Movie

02:35 - 04:15   Race The Sun

04:15 - 05:45   Four Minutes

05:45 - 07:10   The Colt

07:10 - 08:40   All I Want For Christmas

08:40 - 10:10   Earthsea Pt. 1

10:10 - 11:35   Earthsea Pt. 2

11:35 - 13:50   First Knight

13:50 - 15:30   Race The Sun

15:30 - 17:30   Monte Walsh

17:30 - 19:00   Derby

19:00 - 20:45   Disney's The Kid

20:45 - 22:25   A Bug's Life


I miss your TAN skin. Your sweet smile.

OMG so cute!

Bones Season 6

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Dear Levana...

Enjoooy!!! :D

Am I a Beliebers?

Ada satu hal yang belum pernah gue kasih tau ke kalian semua ya? Well, sekarang aja deh.

I'm a Beliebers

Yup, itu dia. Mungkin seharusnya bilangnya was kali ya.. Soalnya sekarang-sekarang gua udah ga terlalu freak lagi. Apa mau dikata. Gua prefer Justin yang dulu daripada yang sekarang. Mungkin kalian bakal bilang gua bukan The True Beliebers. Whatever. Pasti ada aja kan, saat dimana "dia" mengecewakan kita. Dan itulah yang gue rasain sekarang. Kecewa.
-- o0o --
-- o0o --
Walapun udah bilang was, apa mau dikata? Darah beliebers mengalir di pembuluh nadi dan vena gue secara alami. Menuntut kepuasan akan hasratnya. (Gila, kata-katanya ga nahan!). Baru beberapa hari yang lalu, akhirnya gue dapet kesempatan buat nonton NEVER SAY NEVER. Yaa.. Disaat itulah gue sadar kembali kenapa gue bisa sampe ke tahap ini. Mau di gimanain coba? Emang kita bisa ngontrol diri sendiri supaya ga nge-fly? Emang bisa nahan diri supaya ga jejeritan tiap ngedenger nyanyiannya? Emang bisa nahan diri supaya ga nengok setiap ada orang yang nyebut nama dia? Pura-pura ga peduli kalau ada orang ngomongin dia? Pendem tuh perasaan sampe meledak! Ya gabisa gitu kan???

Maka dari itu... Apa coba yang mesti gua lakuin? Hah? Kalau ada ide atau solusi buat gue yang ga melibatkan bunuh diri atau hilang ingatan, kasih tau gue secepetnya ya! 
-- o0o --

I wish we had another time. I wish we had another place. Cause everything we had is stuck in the moment.

Emma Lovers

Teruntuk: Fans Emma all over the world! I love this pic. I love the dress. I love Emma!

~ S. Now

Speak Now ~ T. Swift

Imajinasiii... *Spongebob style

ga ada ide mau nulis apa nih! Well, lebih spesifik lagi, gaada ide buat NGETIK apa niiih! gimana doong? Sebenernya nih, gara-gara ga bisa spamming di twitter, yasudahlah saya berpaling ke blog. Hehe.. Second choise.. Maap yaa.. Punteeen...

Aduuh... Plisss deh dewi imajinasi... Kasih masukan dikiiiit ajaaaa! Ya? Ya? yaudah! gua ngambek nih dipojokan! beneran!

Di KACANGIN lagi.. sebel!

imajinasi Where are you... (ber-echo)


Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

T. Swift

There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smile
Same old tired, lonely place...

And now you are on your knees
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted
But I'm so sorry...

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry...

Horrified looks from everyone in the room
But I'm only looking at you...

And I remember that fight, 2:30 am
Cause everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out crying and you follow me out into the street...

I've heard every album, listen to the radio
Waiting for something to come along
That was as good as our song...

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Cara Membuat Blog

Berikut dibawah ini adalah cara-cara membuat blog:
  1.   Masuk ke blogger.com
  2.  Klik Memulai
  3. Isi data yang perlu diisi (cth. nama email dan kata sandi)
  4. Klik Lanjutkan
  5. Selesai sudah.   
*Ini merupakan posting tugas TIK. Terima kasih.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


udah pernah nyoba omegle? kadang seru, kadang serem, kadang nyebelin.
gua udah pernah dapet 3 temen baik dari omegle. tapi semua itu cuma di omegle doang. ga ada yang nyampe long term. menyedihkan...

pertama namanya Nelson. baiiiik banget. dia sendiri punya masalah. anaknya kesepian. tapi masih mau aja bantuin masalah gua. masalahnya, alamat msn dia ga gua save! aaaah! menyesal!

kedua namanya Gerardo. yang ini juga baik. gua waktu itu lagi frustasi lupa gara-gara apa. trus dia ladenin gua, padahal sepanjang percakapan di omegle itu, gua nebohong! parah ga tuh??? cek,cek. kasiaaaan banget.

ketiga nih, orang Indo juga. namanya LUPA! haha! parah gila! waktu itu udah di ketik di sms, eh, ilang! maap yaaaa... tapi yang ini juga baik banget. gua nge bacot apa dia ladenin. padahal mah gajelas. awalnya masa dia nganggep gua cowo. dasar tidak sensitif...

itulah omegle. bukannya promosi atau apalah. cuma ceritaaa...
Hope you guys like it!

Tugas "Abnormal"


Siapa sih yang punya ide nyuruh murid buat film?! Ini tuh beban! Stres ntar gimana? Tanggung jawab!

Ini tuh salah satu faktor perusak generasi muda tau! Dimana keasyikan masa muda, hah?! Kayak ga pernah muda aja! Ngiri kali ya sama kita-kita?

Languange of Love

Quand tu es parti
Les morceaux de mon cœur vous manque
Quand tu es parti
Le visage que j'ai appris à connaître est manquant trop

Quand tu es parti
Les mots que j'ai besoin d'entendre pour toujours me faire passer
Le jour et faire ok
Tu me manques

Siapa bilang bahasa Perancis itu The Languange of Love? Kalau kitanya ga bisa bacanya ya sama dengan boong! Liat lirik diatas. Meaning something or meaningless? Kalau meaning something, ga usah ngelanjutin baca. Tapi kalau meaningless, baca lirik di bawah ini.

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through
The day and make it ok
I miss you

-Avril Lavigne

Definisi 'Berjalan'

Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Location: Sempur, Bogor

Saat itu aku baru selesai kursus bahasa Inggris. Jalanan di depan tempat kursus-ku tampak ramai dan lalu lintasnya padat. Baru saja beberapa menit di dalam mobil, adik-ku berteriak
"Ah! Tas ketinggalan!"
Betapa bodohnyaaaa...???!!!
"Tas?!" bentakku tak percaya. "Yang bener aja dong!"
"Beneran ketinggalan nih! Gimana?" dengan santainya ia menjawab.
"Masa tas ketinggalan? Udah tau jalan rame begini, gimana ibu bisa muter balik?" kata ibuku sebal.
"Yaudah diambil dulu deh" kata adikku.
"Teh, temenin gih." ucap ibuku.
Lah?! Jadi saya yang kena?! Emang nasiiib, nasiiib.

Jadilah, aku dan adikku turun dari mobil di tengah lalu lintas yang padat itu. Lalu kami berlari menuju tempat kursus. Adikku lalu berlari mengambil tas-nya yang ketinggalan entah dimana. Setelah itu, kami langsung berlari balik ke tempat kami tadi turun dari mobil. Tapi... Mobil ibuku sudah lenyap!
"Yaaah... udah ga ada. Dimana tu mobil?" kata adikku.
"Yaudah, nyebrang dulu aja deuh," kataku masih sebal.
Kami pun menyebrangi jalan. Tapi, nihil! Mobil merah itu tak dapat ditemukan sejauh mata memandang.
"Udah kayak anak ilang aja nih!" kataku keki.
"Minta tolong polisi aja, teh" tunjuk adikku pada seorang polisi yang tengah mengatur lalu lintas.
"Atuh ntar jadi anak ilang beneran!" jawabku sedikit geli.
"Kalo nggak, ntar kalau ada mobil bak, kita loncat aja ke situ, teh!" usul adikku lagi.
'Iiiih, apa banget deh ni anak' batinku dalam hati. Lalu handphone ku bergetar, tanda ada telepon masuk.
"Teteh dimana?" terdengar suara ibuku di ujung telepon.
"Di depan sempur." jawabku.
"Teteh bawa uang ga? Naik angkot 03 aja, terus berhenti di dunkin donut. Ibu tunggu disana ya." kata ibuku.
"Tapi ga bawa uang nih!" kataku. Tuh kan, udah beneran anak ilang! kagak bawa duit sepeserpun!
"Yaudah, teteh balik lagi ke tempat les, terus minjem uang." kata ibuku lalu memutuskan sambungan.

"Apa kata ibu?" tanya adikku.
"Disuruh balik terus minjem uang buat naik angkot." jawabku. Mirisnyaaaaa... Batinku dalam hati.
"Tapi udah lumayan jauh kalau mau balik lagi!" kata adikku.
"Ya udah lanjut jalan aja mau?" usulku setengah hati.
Eeeeh... Dia malah mau... Ckck...

Kami pun menyusuri jalan. Dari sempur ke pertigaan lampu merah. Tau ga berapa jauhnya? Ga tau kan? Sama! Yang jelas, CAPEK!

"Lain kali, awas kalau ketinggalan tas lagi! Ada-ada aja. Ketinggalan tas! Ketinggalan buku tuh masih normal!" omelku.

Di pertigaan, ibuku sudah menanti.
"Hahaha! Jadinya jalan?" tawa ibuku melihat kami berdua yang menderita setelah menempuh perjalanan tadi.

Karena ibuku memarkirkan mobilnya di dunkin donut, akhirnya kami pun harus BERJALAN lagi menuju dunkin donut.


First Story : Introducing Me

So if you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, hopefully amusing
Introducing me
-- o0o --

oke, ngutip dikit dari lagunya Nick Jonas 'Introducing Me' ga papa kan? apa ga boleh? yaaah...
by the way, enough talking, THIS IS ME!

-- o0o --

apapun yang kalian liat diluar adalah sebagian besar dari myself yang sebenarnya. tapi, careful, ada juga yang ga bakal kalian ketahui cuma dari lirikan sebelah mata (udah cuma ngelirik, pakenya cuma sebelah mata lagi!). ada juga orang yang sok-sok-an nebak-nebak sifat orang. kayak dia udah tau sifatnya sendiri aja kayak gimana, yee! sifat orang bisa berubah, tapi ga mungkin lah sampe 100% berubah. yang penting mah, yang berubah yang jelek-jeleknya aja. naah... kalau itu tuh positive.

-- o0o --

 Surface area=((LA+2B)-(l.t)) + (2(p.l+p.t)+(l.t))
 Volume=(½  x lb x wb x h) + plt

 -- o0o --

lho? malah ngomongin mate? dasar random! yasudah.. sekian dari saya, selamat sore.

-- o0o --

Mau tauuu.....
  1. I love cats! (cats kucing, bukan cats dinding)
  2. I love Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling huge fan)
  3. I love Purple (go purple freak!)
  4. I love money (huaha, cewe matre!)
  5. etc. (apadeh)