"I was born to be somebody, and this world will belong to me"

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

The Beautiful Village Girl that Actually a Poor Girl and A Beautiful Dancing Frog That Actually a Prince from Far Far Away That was cursed by an Evil Twin Witches (pt.2)

Caspian: “This morning is so quite. What happened?”
Susan: “Nothing happened. Well, your naughty cat broke my slippers but, except for that, nothing bad happened.”
Caspian: “Oh, sorry about that. I’ll make it up to you later.”

(In the yard)
Caspian: “This is a lovely morning. Look at those 2 birds on that tree.”
Susan: “yeah, they are beautiful. But they feather color is black.”
Caspian: “Yeah, that’s odd. I’ve never seen that kind of bird before.”
(The birds flying and land in front of the Prince and his friend. The birds transformed into the evil twin witches)


The Beautiful Village Girl that Actually a Poor Girl and A Beautiful Dancing Frog That Actually a Prince from Far Far Away That was cursed by an Evil Twin Witches (pt.1)

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, lived a Prince in a castle. He is rich, handsome, kind, and wise person. His people love him sooo much.
In an Ice Castle, lived an Evil Twin Witches that hate the Prince sooo much. They feel jealous to the Prince because his castle is bigger and nicer than theirs. The Prince is also richer than them.
So, the Evil Twin Witches make a plan to occupy Prince’s castle.  The plan is…

(In the ice castle)
ETW1: “I really hate that Prince from Far Far Away castle!”
ETW2: “Make it two of us. I’m starting to lose my patient over him.”
ETW1: “We have to take that castle down immediately!”
ETW2: “But how? I don’t think that’s possible.”
ETW1: “Nothing impossible! Well, except kissing your own butt!”
ETW2: “Yeah, that’s true… Beside, we’re witches! An evil witches!
ETW1: “That’s totally true. We have to make a plan!”
ETW2: “Yeah, let’s read fairytale books to find some idea!”

(Read books)
ETW1: “Look at this one! This is about a prince cursed into a frog!”
ETW2: “Hey, that’s a great idea! Let’s curse that fool charming prince into a frog!”
ETW1: “Yeah! He deserves it!”

ps. ETW : Evil Twin Witches.

My first HTML

<body background="3333184873_bfa9b59af2.JPG">
<title>The Twilight Saga</title>
<table border="1">
<table border>
<tr><td colspan="4"><center><img src="twilightsagahdr2[1].JPG"></center>
<tr bgcolor="black">
<td><a href="http://www.twilight-saga.net/%22%3E%3Ccenter%3EWebsite%3C/center%3E%3C/td>
<td><a href="http://www.google.co.id/search?q=twilight+saga&hl=en&prmd=ivnsub&ei=sKxjTdTfFIq3rAfh_oT-AQ&start=10&sa=N"><center>Pictures and Photos</center></td>
<td><a href="http://twilightthemovie.com/%22%3E%3Ccenter%3EMovies%3C/center%3E%3C/td>
<td><a href="http://www.celebridoodle.com/.a/6a00e5536b2ba988330128764f1927970c-500wi%22%3E%3Ccenter%3ENews%3C/center%3E%3C/td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">BOOKS<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Author: Stephanie Meyer<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="violet">
<td colspan="1"><center><img src="images.JPG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><img src="twilight_saga_companion.JPG"></center>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">ACTOR/ACTRESS<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="BLACK">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Isabella Swan<br></font></center>
<center><img src="isabella%20swan.JPEG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Edward Cullen<br></font></center>
<center><img src="Edward-Cullen.JPG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Alice Cullen<br></font></center>
<center><img src="alice_cullen_1253124711.JPG"></center>
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">Jacob Black<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1296867036409_f.JPEG"></center>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">AND...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">The one I like most is...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="-1">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+1">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+3">wait for it...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+1">...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+3">...<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+4">TAYLOR LAUTNER!!!<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">As JACOB BLACK<br></font></center></td>
<tr bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">see...<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1296746515458_f.JPG"></center>
<td bgcolor="black"><body text="red">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">and see...<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1296506578336_f.JPG"></center>
<td bgcolor="transparent"><font style="white">
<td colspan="1"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+2">well...see this one!<br></font></center>
<center><img src="1293147952334_f.JPG"></center>

<tr bgcolor="violet"><body text="black">
<td colspan="4"><center><font face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><font size="+1">Created By: MEGAH SYIFA RINJANI/ 8G<br></font></center></td>

What all children want their parents to know

12 things that childrens want their parents to know.

  1. Teach me love and care for myself through your own positive example. I'll learn from all of your actions, and grow to have good self-care.
  2. Notice me often, taking joy in my very existence. I'll grow up knowing I'm special, and help others to feel the same.
  3. Listen to me with empathy, have an open and loving heart. I'll know I'm seen and heard, and grow to be a good listener.
  4. Acknowledge me often, and tell me what you appreciate. I'll know that I'm worthy, and learn to acknowledge others.
  5. Laugh and have fun with me often, be affectionate everyday. I'll play and enjoy my life, and bring more joy to others.
  6. Teach me to be disciplined, and correct me with kindness. I'll lead a life of dignity, with the pride of self-respect.
  7. Allow room for me to grow, to make mistakes and have opinions. I'll learn to be independent, and trust in my own judgement.
  8. Stay interested in learning, and following your dreams. I'll pick up your enthusiasm, and be inspired to do the same.
  9. Be honest and authentic, and live your highest values. I'll learn from your experiences, and grow to have integrity.
  10. Teach me to be of service, and honor the differences in others. I'll learn generosity of spirit, and embrace all walks of life.
  11. Focus on what's going right, have faith in troubled times. I'll learn to be optimistic, with gratitude for each new day.
  12. Love me without condition, throughout my ups and downs. I'll know that I am cherished, and bring more love to the world.